Job opportunity #9:
Remote HR/Management/Media Contractor (Flexible, Part-time)
Let's work together to achieve our 2024 benchmarks! By actively contributing, we can unlock a well-deserved reward: a week-long international trip with our loved ones and team in 2025.
Job Description:
We're seeking independent contractors with HR, Management, or Media backgrounds to work on a project basis. Join our team as a remote contractor for a few months and earn passive income. Explore our task list and select projects that fit your skills.
Project Overview:
- Remote Opportunity: Work independently on a flexible schedule
- Income Structure: Earn passive income through completion of tasks and projects
- Task Categories: Contribute to various HR, Management, and Media projects, including:
- HR: Recruiting, talent management, and benefits administration
- Management: Project coordination, team leadership, and process improvement
- Media: Content creation, social media management, and campaign development
What We Offer:
- Flexible, remote work arrangement
- Lifelong passive income potential
If you are an HR, Management or Media person and willing to work from home for a few months to earn lifelong passive income, then this is the opportunity for you.
The task
Here is the mission.
Here is the task list alongside the budget.
Here is the timeline.
Here are the tools.
Here is the payments schedule
The script
If you have queries then quench them from here.
We have to put on 600 Eco Detectives; one in each district by 31 December 2024.
They have to finish their probation period between March 1, 2025 to 30 September 2025.
To ensure alignment with mission standards, individuals are responsible for actively engaging and empowering their teams. We will recognize those who demonstrate tangible results by authorizing 90 Active Mission Associates (aMAs) in their district within probation period.
Payments will be released based upon completion of the probation period of Eco Detectives.
One time:
As shown in the task list One successful Eco Detective, will generate revenue for you, approximately Rs. 30k in 2025.
The same amount he will generate for every subsequent year until he remains in the company for the team's passive income, distributed according to tasks accomplished by you.
It will be for departmental teams Rs. 25, 25, 50 to HR, Media or field Management per student; who completes the course; from the enrollment generated by the efforts of your Eco Detectives
Task List
Independent contractors
If you actually did some long lasting work in recruiting, then you can monetize your efforts by taking responsibility for following duties as a contractor.
Source candidate.
Prescreen them by taking a primary interview and tick all the checkboxes.
If you got positive answers then tell them to fill the application form.
After getting the application filled, guide them to book the second interview with a company official.
If the candidate got selected then coordinate with the candidate to accept the offer.
Coordinate with the candidate to complete the documentation.
Then coordinate with the candidate to schedule the joining.
(7 activities; 1 k each)
The moment a candidate joins our company, raise your bill @ 7000 per candidate to be paid within 46 days subject to the candidate surviving till that date (45th day).
If accepting this assignment then ask for the format of checkboxes to be asked from the candidates.
We have to hire more than 600 candidates in Less than two months. At this rate you can make 600 x 7k = 4200k or 42 lac in 50 days.
You can syndicate your students/friends/colleagues to help you in activity #1,2,3,4. offering them up to 50% of your 7k to execute the task.
For the rest 23k, hover your cursor on the sheet below, then click on its right upper corner; & ask for access.
Total budget:
1.8 crore.
The task
चाहिये: इको डिटेक्टिव (इको जासूस) आपके जिले में।
Any graduate can apply Audio Overview
The task is to increase team size of the Business Development team to 600 fully mission oriented youngsters in 2024 itself. (knowing Languages: Hindi, English + Bengali/Telugu/Tamil/Gujarati/Kannada)
Here are 600 posts to be filled by the most suitable, ambitious and sincere person who completes their probation successfully by (at the max) the 30 September 2025.
For that company allocates 30k average per district.
So 600 x 30k=1.8 crore is here to be grasped by individual initiatives and as a team member.
This entire project will teach everyone of us superb lessons of mentorship, and self initiative along with Intrapreneurship. This is an opportunity to show capabilities to become CEO one day in the very near future.
Media team can create content for training and motivation.
BD team can promote that material upon their personal social media platforms to, source candidates from groups, classmates, other networks, generate leads, help them in the application process,
HR can take care of process interview, payroll, performance monitoring,
BD can take care of online onboarding, hand holding and subsequent motivation.
Media can capture testimony and put on SM to be promoted by BD Team.
The script
कैंडिडेट का सवाल:
इस जॉब में करना क्या पड़ेगा?
यह ऐसा काम है जैसे रेगिस्तान में कोई कहे की रेत भर के लाऔ और पैसे ले लो।
भारत के हर 100 में से सिर्फ एक व्यक्ति 30 लाख से ज्यादा साल के कमाता है। बाकी 99 को आप संधि दे रहे हैं कमाने की 30 लाख!
काम ऐसा है, कि इसमें आपको ढूंढ़ने हैं ऐसे लोग; जो कमाना चाहते हैं, 2.5 लाख रूपए से ज्यादा;(या कम) हर महिने। आपके जिले के हर कस्बे में।
जैसे डिटेक्टिव, जासूस, या इन्वेस्टिगेटर ढूंढते है! वैसी चीज देख लेते हैं; जो सामान्य नागरिक नजर अंदाज कर देता है।
ऐसे ही आपको ढूंढना है, किसको पैसे की जरूरत है? और जो उसके लिए ईमानदारी से काम करने को तैयार है? बस
जिनका ऐसे स्टूडेंट से कभी ना कभी संबंध रहा है जो अभी ग्रेजुएट हो चुके परन्तु बेरोज़गार हों।
जिनके मोबाइल में ग्रेजुएट स्टूडेंट्स का नंबर सेव हो।
जैसे मोबाइल बेचने वाले, स्टेशनरी बेचने वाले, कोचिंग में पढ़ाने वाले, कॉम्पिटिशन की तैयारी कराने वाले, ऐसे कोई भी ट्यूटर जिनको पैसा कमाने की जरूरत हो।
ऐसे लोगों को आप अपना मिशन एसोसिएट बना सकते हैं। और वह आपके लिए स्टूडेंट ढूंढ के देंगे अपनी कमाई के लिये।
आपको उन स्टूडेंट की पात्रता टेस्ट करनी है। क्या उनको अंग्रेजी समझ आती है?
उनकी पारिवारिक आय कितनी है?
वे शारीरिक रूप से कितने फिट हैं या कोई इशू है?
इतना काम है।
क्या आप यह काम कर सकते हैं प्रतिदिन बिना नागा?
lead कहां मिलेंगी?
ढूंढो, घिसे जूते कौन पहने है?
पुरानी ठुकी-पिटी गाड़ी में कौन चल रहा है?
बैंकों में जाओ, पूछो एनपीए में किन-किनके नाम हैं?
कार\गाड़ियों के शोरूम में जाओ पता करो पिछले समय में कौन-कौन गाड़ी देखने आये पर खरीदी नहीं की?
घटना जिसका उल्लेख कर रहे हैं हम सिस्टम, अनुपालन या अन्य मुद्दों के बारे में जो बात करते हैं; जो आपको लगता है, मिशन, दृष्टि या उद्देश्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। परन्तु वास्तव में, आपको अपने स्थान पर जो मिला, उसमें यदि आपको कोई विसंगति मिली है; तो कृपया अपनी भाषा में वर्णन करें, बिना किसी डर के, आपकी जानकारी पूरी तरह से गुमनाम रहती है।
भर्ती हेतु आवेदन पत्र
Application for job
एक लाल तारा* दर्शाता है कि यह फ़ील्ड अवश्य भरी जानी चाहिए। प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर पूरे आत्मविश्वास के साथ दें, जो आपको लगता है कि आपकी स्वतंत्र पसंद का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
A red star* shows that this field must be filled. Reply every question with your full confidence which you think represents your free choice.
Interview fixed on the basis
References for Background Verification.
This CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT is made by the person and between Ajay saxena (1st Party) And The Person (2nd Party) (Each of whom shall be hereinafter referred to as “Disclosing Party” or “Receiving Party”, as appropriate) on today. Project Reference: Discussions and information related, but not limited to Ajay Saxena's Project and overall business strategy
Create a list of your all academic documents, starting from the marksheet of primary education upwards to the highest qualification’s certificate; along with all certificates of extracurricular activities; all the certificates, which you got during your work experience; bank details, pf details, a latest self portrait, a latest utility bill. Make high resolution, clearly visible copies of all these documents, like (clear image of passbook/canceled cheque depicting bank details). Now stitch the pdfs of respective topics like Academics, Extra Curricular Activities, Job Experience Related And Other Proofs in separate single file (for this you can use any online free tool like ) and upload all these files here in sequence: